Meaning of the word Zul-Hijjah: - The month of "Hajj" (Pilgrimage)
About the Month of Zul-Hijjah: - The fifth pillar of Islam "Hajj" is performed in this sacred month. The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days in this whole month, Hajj is performed amongst these ten days.
Ahadeeth related to Zul-Hijjah: - Hadhrat Abu Huraira reports from Rasulullah :
"Amongst all days there are none better to engage in sole worship of Allah than in the ten days of Zul-Hijjah. To observe a fast on any of these days is equivalent to fasting throughout the year, to actively engage in prayer and worship throughout any of these nights holds such rewarding values leveling with Laylatul-Qadr, night of power. [Tirmidhi]
It has been stated in the Holy Qur'an:
"By the dawn: by the ten nights (ie, the first ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah), and by the even and the odd (of all the creations of Allah) and by nights when it departs. There is indeed in them (the above oaths) sufficient proofs for men of understanding. (and that they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbelief."
Hadhrat Abu Qataadah Reports in a part narration from Rasulullah concerning the fast observed on the day of Arafat: "I have full confidence in Allah for the one who observes a fast on the day of Arafaat that his previous year's sins and the proceeding year's sins are forgiven." [Muslim]
Events of Zul-Hijjah:
1) Rasulullah performed the farewell Hajj and gave the historic sermon known as "Farewell Sermon"
2) Egypt was conquered by the army sent by Hadhrat Umar
3) Hadhrat Uthman was appointed as the 3rd Caliph
4) Also Bay'ate-Aqabah took place.
Matrimonies within Zul-Hijjah:
Hadhrat Fatimah was married in this holy month to the 4th Caliph Hadhrat Ali
Deaths in Zul-Hijjah
1) Hadhrat Umar met martyrdom 27th of Zul-Hijjah 26 A.H.
2) Hadhrat Uthmaan was martyred 18th of Zul-Hijjah 35 A.H..